Thursday, 2 May 2013


   When I first learnt about this project I thought it would be very much an up hill battle but actually I have quite enjoyed it. Being someone who hasn't ventured far into the gothic/horror genre before it’s been quite interesting to see where I have gone with it, I think that watching the beauty videos helped the most in making me understand how it isn't all about gore, its just about things that seem unsettling/making you feel uncomfortable look quite beautiful in a weird sort of way.
            I have enjoyed learning about how to create cuts and wounds but also experimenting with other products to get similar or interesting new effects, for example with the staple lips I'd created if I had seen that in a magazine or whatever I would have presumed that you needed very specific products but actually I was able to create them using just normal staples, DUO glue and wound filler. I did however find it challenging creating the looks in a fashion way without going either too gory or not showing enough skill, it has definitely helped teach me how to find the line between too much and too little and being able to decide when to stop and leave it at that.
            I’m really pleased with my final images and found it really exciting watching my designs and model choices come together to create what I had in my head. If I had the chance to do the project again I would only change a few things about my looks like backcombing Look 1’s hair and making the drip more prominent but overall I’m pleased!

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